Edie Bresler

One hundred years ago women won the right to vote. Yet today many rights remain out of reach. Consider the pay gap or the number of female identified people leading major businesses and corporations. Women are the primary care givers to children and aging parents, but many struggle to access adequate health care and afford greater educational opportunities. And the right to make our own decision regarding pregnancy remains fragile.

I combine collaboration with chance encounters. Using a light sensitive cyanotype emulsion I expose it with sunlight in collaboration with participants from my local community. Mothers, children, and co-workers having lunch outside helped create the silhouettes of hands playing tug of war with string and sticks. Later, after processing, I draw with water based crayons to echo the colored sashes worn by women marching for suffrage. Purple, yellow and instead of white, I chose green. Green represents the hope for a more equitable future.



I am a long time artist and educator and a single parent. My photographs are represented by Gallery Kayafas, in Boston and I am director of the photography program at Simmons University. I am honored to exhibit alongside so many photographers I admire.

Edie Bresler Portfolio

instagram: @ediephoto
